Saturday, 17 January 2015

Kim Kardashian - Drawing Demonstration/Tutorial

I approached this drawing with a different technique. First, I did a sketchy line drawing...After that I used a [9h Derwent pencil] for the shadows. I kept everything very light...because the 9h pencil is a hard pencil...I wasn't able to smudge.   
I also used a 5h and a 4h pencil...[9h being the lightest. 5h mid values. 4h dark values]
I also used a 9B pencil for the darkest values. I went from light to dark...[NOTE: I tweaked the contrast of the reference image to make it very light -High Contrast]

[Pencils: 4H, 5H, 9H & 9B]

Monday, 12 January 2015

Drawing Tutorial/Demonstration [Al Pacino - Scarface - Tony Montana]

Step One:
I gently use the pencil to suggest some values and shapes. [I'm not concerned about the likeness at this stage] [I use a cotton bud to smudge these layers to get a smooth look]
 From this point on I fix the drawing as I proceed. 

I add all the darks while using a mono zero eraser for the highlights.
[Tools: A simple graphite pencil, a mono eraser & a cotton bud]


Drawing - Al Pacino + Zippo + Cigar